Find the anagram of the word:
Clue: is a part of the body
The letters C and G change sound. Depending on the next letter, they become HARD or SOFT SOUNDS. For example, the CI or GI sound is soft while the CA or GA sound is hard. To understand how these combinations work, see the RULES section.
The letters C and G are used in many words of the Italian language. These words have SOUND BAD and HARD, but to make it clearer here is a diagram:
C and G have a particular PLURAL with words ending in CIA or CIE, because the I falls if the preceding SILLAB ends in consonant (example: frecCIA becomes frecCE). They also add the H to the plural if the sound is hard (example: marCO / marCHI). The letters C and G have:
The C and G sounds are part of the Italian alphabet. The alphabet has 26 letters, some of which are used for foreign words. Each word is divided into SILLABES. For example, the word 'chair' has two syllables, namely 'se-dia'. Then there are VOCALS which can have an open or closed sound, and then CONSONANTS which can be sound or deaf. In summary there are:
This dictionary includes the 2000 words of the LESSICO FONDAMENTALE of the Italian language. You can search by word, or by category
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