A scuola (preposizione SU)

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Image/text association
    2) Logical associations
  • What to do
    Know the 'SU preposition'. Associate words with objects in pictures. Discover relationships...

Alfabeto e parole sul cibo

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Logical associations
    2) Writing activities
  • What to do
    Know and use the Italian alphabet. Then complete some words with letters,...

cosa c'è in una casa

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Image/text association
    2) Sentence completion
  • What to do
    Learn words that are used around the house. Associate household objects with...

Cosa fai di solito? (preposizione PER)

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Image/text association
    2) Logical associations
  • What to do
    Know the 'preposition PER' and learn vocabulary to use in free time....

Cosa fai nel tempo libero?

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Image/text association
    2) Sentence completion
  • What to do
    Learn useful verbs for talking about your time and hobbies. Associate the...

Due luoghi diversi (preposizione DI)

  • Educational Methodology
    1) Image/text association
    2) Logical associations
  • What to do
    Know the 'preposition DI'. Associate words with objects in two pictures. Discover...

Answer the questions New game

What do these expressions mean with 'ESSERE''? Find the solution and you will know which expression describes Giulio

1) Cosa vuol dire ESSERE FELICE

2) Se dico SONO STANCO, cosa faccio?

3) Cosa vuol dire ESSERE IN GAMBA?

4) Cosa vuol dire ESSERE ANNOIATO?