Giulia non alza mai la mattina. si veste sempre tardi, bagna tutti gli asciugamani, e alla fine lascia pure lì! Tutti sporchi. non sappiamo cosa fare, siamo disperati!
PERSONAL PRONUONS can replace the subject, a complement or be reflexive and therefore repeat the subject. For example, if I say: 'io prendo un caffè', the pronoun IO is a PERSONAL PRONUONS because it replaces the person. If I say: 'lo prendo', the pronoun LO is a COMPLEMENTARY pronoun because it replaces coffee. Finally if I say: 'io mi lavo', MI is a REFLECTIVE PRONUON because it refers to 'io' which is the subject.
We have seen that COMPLEMENT PERSONAL PRONOUNS can replace objects and persons. But what if you have to replace 'object' and 'person' in the same sentence? Which pronouns do we use in the sentence: 'Marco dà la chitarra a Mario'. In this case we say: 'Marco GLIELA dà'. The word 'GLIELA' is a COMBINED PRONOUN because it is the union of LA (la chitarra) and GLI (a Mario).
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